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Dive Into Adventure with Emperor Penguins! 🐧🌊

First Plunge: The Courage of Emperor Penguins

Good Morning 🌞

Welcome to another day of Joy Hour

Join us as we peek into the chilly world of Antarctica with wildlife filmmaker Bertie Gregory. He's captured a heart-stopping moment where tiny emperor penguin chicks get ready for their first big swim by jumping off a towering ice cliff into the sea below.

Emperor Penguins jumping off a 50-foot cliff

Imagine you're standing on the edge of a huge ice cliff in the wide, snowy world of Antarctica. Now, think of yourself as a little emperor penguin chick, looking down from this high cliff into the cold waters below (I could never).

This is the amazing scene that Bertie Gregory captures in his latest incredible video.

Usually, emperor penguins nest on sea ice that comes and goes each year. But now, some are starting to nest on the bigger ice shelves attached to land. Scientists think this change might be because the sea ice is melting earlier due to climate change.

When they're about five months old, these chicks shed their fluffy feathers for waterproof ones, gearing up for life in the water.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature says there are about 500,000 emperor penguins out there, and they're considered near threatened. This is mainly because climate change is messing with their icy homes.

National Geographic


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