Does nature inspires you?

How forest walks and mindful observation can bring joy and creativity to your life.

Good Morning 🌞

Welcome to another day of Joy Hour

Today, I stumbled upon a beautiful piece that really resonated with me, and I just had to share it with you. It’s an article titled "Forest-walking: An artist’s love letter to nature," and it’s all about how nature can inspire us in the most magical ways.

Forest-walking: An artist’s love letter to nature 🌳


  • Art and Nature: The article takes us back to the ancient Lascaux Cave paintings in France, where early humans drew animals in a way that made them look like they were moving under torchlight. Imagine that magical flicker!

  • Modern Connection: Today, most of us aren't living as close to nature unless we’re farmers or marine biologists. But our lives still depend on it for everything from food to clothing.

  • Health Benefits: We all know that spending time in nature reduces stress and makes us happier. There's even a study linked in the article that crunches the numbers on this!

Meet Annie: The Artist Inspired by Nature

Annie Guo is an artist who finds her deepest inspiration in the natural world. Her journey into nature’s embrace started with a simple realization: kids are the true masters of exploring nature. They peek under logs for bugs, splash in puddles, and crunch dried leaves under their boots. Inspired by their innate curiosity, Annie began to re-learn these habits herself.

A Different Perspective:

Here are some cool concepts to think about:

  • Komorebi: This is the Japanese word for sunlight filtering through trees. Isn't that a lovely thought?

  • Mindful Observation: Annie takes her sketchbook on forest walks, drawing everything from frogs to vintage car engines found among the ferns. This practice helps her slow down and truly appreciate the details, like the gills under a tiny mushroom or the songs of local birds.

Art as a Celebration of Nature:

Annie believes in using her art to speak of nature’s beauty and promote kinder choices for the planet. One of her projects includes a poster for the Goodfish Sustainable Seafood Guide, encouraging restaurants to source their seafood responsibly. Despite nearly failing high school biology, Annie has found her way to honor our living planet through her artistic talents.

Annie's story reminds us that we can all find our unique way to connect with and protect nature. Maybe it’s through art, writing, or simply taking a peaceful walk in the woods. There's so much beauty to discover and celebrate.

I hope this inspires you to find your own way to connect with nature and maybe even bring a bit of that magic into your daily life.

Keep exploring and enjoying those joyful moments in nature!

“Life is not a problem to be solved. Just remember to have something that keeps you busy doing what you love while being surrounded by the people who love you.”

— García & Miralles

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