The Penguin Guide Story

A penguin has become a ‘guide-bird’ for a fellow African Penguin with poor eyesight

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Penguin Becomes ‘Guide Bird’ Companion For Zoo Pal Suffering with Cataracts: Waddle I do Without You? 🐧

Penguin and Squid –Photo released February 8, 2024 by Birdworld via SWNS

“A penguin has become a ‘guide-bird’ for a fellow African Penguin with poor eyesight, escorting her around their enclosure to get food and build confidence.

The animal helper named ‘Penguin’ has bonded with ‘Squid’ the three-year-old that suffers from cataracts, a debilitating condition that clouds the lens of the eye.

Squid is often disoriented during busy feeding times and relies on Penguin’s “unwavering calmness”.

Penguin has become Squid’s beacon, guiding her around the enclosure and acting as her ‘eyes’.”

Penguins are definitely one of my favorite animals! Here are some adorable facts about them:

  • Emperor penguins take parenting to the next level with their incredible care and dedication.

  • Even though penguins can't fly, they 'fly' underwater with their graceful swimming style.

  • To keep warm, penguins often cuddle up together in what's probably the cutest huddle ever!

  • Penguins don’t have teeth (they are birds)

  • Did you know? A group of penguins in the water is known as a 'raft', but once they waddle onto land, they're called a 'waddle'.

A waddle

“The ability to look deeply is the root of creativity.

To see past the ordinary and mundane and get to what might otherwise be invisible.”

-Rick Rubin

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